Jeremy Hamblin's Stock Ratings

Craig-Hallum Analyst

Jeremy Hamblin is an analyst at Craig-Hallum. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 07/07/2024

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

Buy NowGet Alert
06/28/2024KRUSBuy Now
Kura Sushi USA
$61.9693.67%$130 → $120MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/06/2024FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0919.13%$187 → $124MaintainsHoldGet Alert
06/06/2024OLLIBuy Now
Ollie's Bargain Outlet
$100.404.58%$100 → $105MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/05/2024CTRNBuy Now
Citi Trends
$19.4028.87%$27 → $25MaintainsHoldGet Alert
06/05/2024BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.4315.89%$120 → $150MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/31/2024DXLGBuy Now
Destination XL Group
$3.34-10.18%$3.5 → $3MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/24/2024NSSCBuy Now
NAPCO Security Techs
$54.6618.92% → $65Assumes → BuyGet Alert
05/15/2024SSTIBuy Now
$11.6762.81%$22 → $19MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/15/2024GENKBuy Now
GEN Restaurant Gr
$8.7554.29%$10 → $13.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/15/2024BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-7.29%$95 → $120MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/07/2024BOWLBuy Now
$14.4424.65%$17 → $18MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/07/2024AXONBuy Now
Axon Enterprise
$302.4822.32%$325 → $370MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/25/2024RRGBBuy Now
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers
$6.51207.22% → $20Initiates → BuyGet Alert
04/05/2024KRUSBuy Now
Kura Sushi USA
$61.96109.81% → $130ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
04/02/2024KRUSBuy Now
Kura Sushi USA
$61.96109.81%$90 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/21/2024FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0979.65%$195 → $187MaintainsHoldGet Alert
03/21/2024OLLIBuy Now
Ollie's Bargain Outlet
$100.40-0.4%$98 → $100MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/20/2024CTRNBuy Now
Citi Trends
$19.40DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
03/19/2024CTRNBuy Now
Citi Trends
$19.4039.18%$28 → $27DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
03/13/2024PRPLBuy Now
Purple Innovation
$1.1081.82%$1 → $2MaintainsHoldGet Alert
03/08/2024ARHSBuy Now
$14.9940.09%$14 → $21MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/08/2024PBPBBuy Now
$7.46168.1%$16 → $20MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/07/2024GENKBuy Now
GEN Restaurant Gr
$8.7514.29%$13 → $10MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/28/2024GOBuy Now
Grocery Outlet Holding
$21.7165.82% → $36UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
01/17/2024TASTBuy Now
Carrols Restaurant Group
DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
01/16/2024FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.09DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
11/20/2023DXLGBuy Now
Destination XL Group
$3.34DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
11/15/2023GENKBuy Now
GEN Restaurant Gr
$8.7582.86%$27 → $16MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/10/2023PRPLBuy Now
Purple Innovation
$1.10DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
10/17/2023PBPBBuy Now
$7.46101.07% → $15Initiates → BuyGet Alert
09/01/2023OLLIBuy Now
Ollie's Bargain Outlet
$100.40-9.36%$80 → $91MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/31/2023FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.09106.55%$224 → $215MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/23/2023CTRNBuy Now
Citi Trends
$19.4064.95%$18 → $32UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
08/10/2023ARHSBuy Now
$14.9933.42%$15 → $20MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/03/2023BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.430.44%$112 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/24/2023GENKBuy Now
GEN Restaurant Gr
$8.75242.86% → $30Initiates → BuyGet Alert
07/21/2023BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-13.47%$18 → $112MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/07/2023KRUSBuy Now
Kura Sushi USA
$61.9674.31%$88 → $108MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/27/2023ARHSBuy Now
$14.990.07% → $15Initiates → BuyGet Alert
06/02/2023FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.09115.2%$235 → $224MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/18/2023BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-31.24%$100 → $89MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/12/2023TASTBuy Now
Carrols Restaurant Group
$4 → $7.5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/06/2023SSTIBuy Now
$11.67157.07%$48 → $30DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
04/05/2023KRUSBuy Now
Kura Sushi USA
$61.9642.03%$70 → $88MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/22/2023CTRNBuy Now
Citi Trends
$19.403.09%$29 → $20MaintainsHoldGet Alert
03/14/2023FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.09125.77%$200 → $235MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/07/2023TASTBuy Now
Carrols Restaurant Group
UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
03/01/2023GOBuy Now
Grocery Outlet Holding
$21.71DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
02/24/2023BOWLBuy Now
$14.4466.2% → $24Initiates → BuyGet Alert
12/01/2022FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0992.14%$178 → $200MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/10/2022PRPLBuy Now
Purple Innovation
$1.10445.45%$4 → $6UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
10/14/2022PETBuy Now
Wag Group
$1.57536.94% → $10Initiates → BuyGet Alert
09/01/2022FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0971.01%$185 → $178MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/29/2022FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0977.73%$190 → $185MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/28/2022BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-7.29%$145 → $120MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/08/2022KRUSBuy Now
Kura Sushi USA
$61.9637.19%$84 → $85MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/09/2022FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0982.53%$230 → $190MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/09/2022OLLIBuy Now
Ollie's Bargain Outlet
$100.40-25.3%$43 → $75UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
05/20/2022CTRNBuy Now
Citi Trends
$19.40DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
05/10/2022BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.4312.03%$162 → $145MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/06/2022JYNTBuy Now
$13.01130.59% → $30DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
03/29/2022FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.09130.57%$240 → $240MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/10/2022KIRKBuy Now
$1.65809.09%$30 → $15DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
01/10/2022BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.4325.16%$135 → $162MaintainsBuyGet Alert
12/15/2021ASPUBuy Now
Aspen Group
$0.162087.5%DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
12/03/2021OLLIBuy Now
Ollie's Bargain Outlet
$100.40-49.2%DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
12/02/2021FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.09130.57%$232 → $240MaintainsBuyGet Alert
12/01/2021CTRNBuy Now
Citi Trends
$19.40802.06%MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/16/2021AXONBuy Now
Axon Enterprise
$302.48-23.3%UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
09/02/2021FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.09122.88%$235 → $232MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/05/2021BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-29.69%$68 → $91MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/13/2021BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-47.46%$54 → $68MaintainsHoldGet Alert
03/18/2021FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.09116.16%$208 → $225MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/26/2021BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-58.28%$48 → $54MaintainsHoldGet Alert
01/13/2021FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0999.83%$197 → $208MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/11/2021BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-62.91%$34 → $48MaintainsHoldGet Alert
12/03/2020FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0989.26%$150 → $197MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/03/2020FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0944.11%$145 → $150MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/05/2020BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-76.05%$29 → $31MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/10/2020FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0927.77%$132 → $133MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/08/2020FIVEBuy Now
Five Below
$104.0926.81%$105 → $132MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/30/2020BOOTBuy Now
Boot Barn Holdings
$129.43-86.09%$53 → $18MaintainsBuyGet Alert